Friday, June 21, 2013

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! We are so excited that we can hardly stand it! The shop is coming along and we should be up and baking very soon! Cookie, Cakes, Truffles, OH MY! Stay tuned for more details....

Monday, May 20, 2013

Babycake Truffles first post!


Hello!! Well if you are reading this, you must be asking yourself, who is Jeanna Pell? Well in this first Blog, I will reveal some of the things about me,myself and I. Dont stop reading just yet,lol, you will probably at least get a good laugh or two after you continue to read. 

I am a Daughter,Sister,Cousin,Aunt,Wife,and Mother....and now, a Bakery Owner. I manage a full-time,24 hours a day mommy position to two kiddos. My husband and I are blessed with a soon to be 12 year old boy, and a soon to be 5 year old girl. Lets just say, they keep us on our toes!!!! I never thought I could possibly love someone more than I love peppermint ice cream... and for anyone who knows me, I love me some peppermint ice cream, the Blue Bell kind...mmmmhmmmm.... Oh! I forgot, I also mamma a 5 year old Picky, Daushund, named, Scooter, he thinks hes human, so I will count him as well. Right now.... I have a giggly daughter on the floor sneaking her dry cereal to him, when he is supposed to be loosing some weight...UMMM... Yea Right!

My husband and I have been married, going on 7 years. We have known each other since we were in 6th grade...I refuse to tell you how long ago that was, so don't ask! We grew up in the same neighborhood and our brothers were good friends as were we... As we got older, life sent us in different directions,brought God brought us back together..and here we are! We have a Senior Prom Picture we share together as well as life long friends. He is a amazing father,son,brother and well.. husband if I do say so myself! Not to mention, he is my partner in my baking. He can roll a truffle like there's no choice? probably not, but,by love? Ha... I believe so.

Okay...and then there's me... I'm a country girl at heart, but after living in a suburban area for the past 8 years..I have learned snakes are really not my friend, and spiders...well have never been! Its crazy how fast I forget what it was like living in the national forest with all kinds of creepy crawlers! But one thing I have learned... I'm still a country, loving me some home cooked mashed potatoes,meatloaf,and greens...yum! And well I cant forget to mention how much I love my moms roast. OH! and I love banana pudding to know end. YUM! Okay, so far, you should know I love food! lol. I don't like being cold, nor hot! I enjoy reading,singing in the kitchen while I bake,dancing,laughing, and watching a good girly,romantic movie. I do NOT like movies that don't have a happy ending. My favorite quote: "Follow your heart and soul, and you will always succeed" and " When One door closes,another one opens" I am not perfect in any way,whats so ever...but I am believer in Faith and Prayer, and with God in my heart...I don't have to be perfect. 

In my blogs, you will learn.... my life in a nut shell...My love for baking and how it came about. My tips that I have come across myself. Professional side,Motherly side,Personal side... Life can be crazy. Up and down, and level. Cry,laugh,shake your head,click close to my blogs.... totally up to you. ENJOY!! AND TASTE THE SWEETNESS OF BABYCAKE TRUFFLES- LITTLE SWEETS MADE WITH LOVE!

Peace Out!